Welcome to Women's Loafer Shoes. Here you will find information about loafer shoes for women and loafer shoes in general. You will also find about women's penny loafer shoes and suede loafer shoes and other styles of loafer shoes.
Loafer shoes are popular as a casual and informal shoe worn by both men and women either for work or leisure in America and other European countries like Italy. They are worn in many colors and a variety of designs which often features a front tassel or some metal decorations like the Gucci loafers. Women's loafer shoes are often leathers shoes with no laces, they are slip on and slip off kind of shoes. Loafer shoes exposes the upper part of the foot because of its low cut design. Being a slip on kind of shoe makes them easy to get on and get off if you are in a hurry because you do not have laces to worry about. Mostly wore by men in the early days but adapted by many women later for a number of reasons.
Loafer directly means idle people. But loafer shoes did not get their name on these lazy and unproductive people. They got the name from a picture of farmers wearing these footwear found on a part of a farm known as the loafing area where cows wait for turns to be milked.
America adopted the style by a family from New Hampshire, since then, loafers have been given many names including, ponies, weejuns a slang for Norwegians, and penny loafers. Penny loafers came about because people use actual pennies as ornament to these shoes. In case of emergencies they would use the penny in their shoes and are quite popular among teenagers. Some women would remove one foot from the shoe and rest their toes on the back resembling the appearance of a pony which started calling them as ponies.
Many women adapted the use of loafer shoes because it is usually made of leather and it is durable and flexible. Metallic rings, kiltie tassels, faux laces, buckles, and a lot more ornaments can be seen with loafers which makes loafers for women a lot more stylish and fun to wear.
Formal wear for women before loafers were uncomfortable. Stiletto began to be replaced by loafers with fine leather uppers. Tassels became a popular style for women's loafer shoes with a supportive comfortable heel. After Gucci, one of the famous ladies loafer designers, placed a metal piece across the upper portion of the loafer, loafers became common as school shoes. Loafers can be found from young girls to the college girls across the country.
Shopping for loafer shoes for women that will make her stylish and comfortable nowadays can be time consuming. Loafer styles with heels, slot for a penny, or a metal bit can range from less than a hundred dollar or more. Ladies loafers remain as comfortable and stylish for the working and playing women.
Adding a few more loafers to you wardrobe is always a good plan. Some of the more preferred color for a ladies loafer are yellow, beige, and silver. You can wear them to picnic and games.
Loafers for women are available in classic styles in wide and narrow fittings. Detailing on a loafers for women are also exquisite which makes them feel and look good. Women's loafers are mostly available in leather or suede both ideal for women looking for comfortable shoes.
There are a few loafer for women that are popular. The classic loafer style is very popular and available in casual and dress shoes. Moccasin loafers are also high in demand. They can be worn all day because of their soft rubber sole making them very comfortable when walking.
Women's loafers shoes come in more color and versatility imaginable and in more materials than the average leather. The height of the heels vary as the accompanying outfit. With the various style of loafers the possibilities are endless. You can go with a schoolgirl kind of look or a more casual look with a shirt and jeans. This feature is one definite reason why loafer shoes are very popular. They can be worn to church, office, trips, grocery store, just about anywhere. Loafer shoes for women are most distinguishable by a kiltie tassel on the shoe's vamp part.
There are plenty of online stores to choose from like Women's Loafers from Amazon and the Women's Loafer Shoes Store Section.
Finding a great loafer shoe for women that fits your style and occasion is not easy. Choosing from a variety of colors, design, quality and elegance takes time. Having a specific type in mind will definitely help.
Having many loyal consumers and followers, loafers are not going anywhere. Offering even more variety of designs for different occasions be it for lounging, working or playing.
Clarks Unstructured Women's UnLoop Slip-On Shoes
Clarks Unstructured Women's UnLoop Slip-On are very well made, extremely comfortable, and looks good as a casual shoe. Read my review to find out more.